Medical Dictation System
Medical Dictation System
Medical Dictation System, also known as Medical Transcription Program, is a software that includes speech recognition technology that enables faster reporting as required in daily work flow and shorten the time from examination to report approval in all examinations, especially emergency reporting.
With the software, as the doctors will transcribe their reports during or after the diagnosis through a microphone in the existing hospital automation system, report output processes will be accelerated, the process between doctor-reporter-doctor approval will be eliminated, and spelling and word mistakes that may occur in the reports will be prevented.
With the system, as the report writing process will be done entirely by computer and contribution will be made to the digital hospital process.
The medical dictation program has a user-independent structure that does not require any voice training, and has a high speech recognition success even in a fast report reading style.
Medical Dictation program has two main features:
The user can send the texts she/he creates to Word, HBYS program, etc. via a microphone. It can write on any platform that can be typed with a keyboard.
The user can send the texts he has created to the secretary's computer with the audio file. In this way, the secretary can complete the report by making the necessary additions to the text sent. This system will also help speeding up secretaries.
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